Maple - Year 4 2023 - 2024

Mrs Molyneux



Welcome to Maple!

Year 4






This half term our topic is Europe.  We will be exploring this in humantities and DT.  We will also be using, 'The Secret Sky Garden' by Linda Sarah as our vehicle text in English to look at the rewilding of city scapes. 

In geography sessions, we will be learning about the locations of different countries in Europe and their different physical and human features. We will compare and contrast the key cultural aspects of Spain with Cheshire. 

In DT lessons, we will be exploring bridges and architecture in Europe and learn different joining techniques to construct out own marble run bridges..   We will be learning about Sound in our Science lessons.  

This term, in RE we will be discussing what kind of world we want to live in.  

Forest School is every other Wednesday starting on 17th March.  Please come in your forest school clothes.  Make sure you have waterproofs and wellies or walking boots.

This term, PE will be swimming lessons on a Tuesday.   We will be having a PE lesson every other Wednesday.  Please make sure you have your PE kit in school. 


We are using Class Dojo for our positive praise.  Here is the class link  

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If you have anything you wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact me at  

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