Hazel - Year 6 2023 - 2024

Mrs Carr

Welcome to Hazel Class. It is my pleasure to teach in year 6 and be Deputy Head at our wonderful primary school. I am in the classroom Monday-Thursday and Mrs Darlington/ Mrs Clarke will teach the children on Fridays. 

Mrs Clarke will be in class with us everyday. 


Our curriculum

Please see the curriculum overview for the Spring Term (under the curriculum tab) for a learning overview for each subject. 

Our first topic is The Industrial Revolution (of the North) and we will look at the history of Quarry Bank Mill within this unit as well as at other areas including why this was such a period of change and how society looked/ changed during this time. 

In English the whole school is focussing on a fairy tale and we will use Neil Gaiman's Hansel and Gretel (a story frist written in the late 18th centuary) as the inspiration for our writing. Our writing outcomes will be a dual narrative and a persuasive letter. 


Our maths focus will be multiplication and division of fractions, ratio and decimals. 


Forest School

Forest school is every other Friday. Please see the calendar. 



Our PE slot is on a Wednesday afternoon so please ensure full PE kit is in school. Children should come in their uniform and will  get changed into their PE slot before the session. If your child could have trainers in school each day then we can get outside where possible for Golden Mile. 


Come and See us/ Get in touch

If at any point throughout the year you have anything you wish to speak to me about, please do not hesitate to come and see me or get in touch either via email (kcarr@smallwood.cheshire.sch.uk) or class dojo.


We are very excited for another wonderful term!

 Mrs Carr and Mrs Clarke



Files to Download

Hazel - Year 6: Calendar items

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