Hazel - Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mrs Carr

Good Morning,

I have put all the morning home learning on to Class Dojo, but here are the attachments too, including the Forest School poems.

Any questions, please contact me via Class Dojo or email.

x Mrs D




Welcome to Hazel Class. It is my pleasure to teach in year 6 and be Deputy Head at our wonderful primary school. This is my 4th academic year at Smallwood and my 3rd teaching in Year 6- my favourite year group to teach but don't tell the others!


For those of you who don't know me too well, my passion is teaching and learning and I especially love to teach maths and English. 

I love going on holiday, spending time with family and friends, especially my two daughters, and shopping! I grew up in Smallwood and used to ride past school on my pony thinking 'I'll be a teacher there one day.'  

Mrs Clarke will be in class with us everyday and Mrs Darlington will take the lead every Monday morning. 


Our curriculum

Please see the curriculum overview for the Autumn Term (under the curriculum tab) for a learning overview for each subject. 

Our first topic is Frozen Kingdom: Antarctica and we will explore Antarctica's location, geographical features and make comparisons with the Arctic. 

Our vehicle text in English will support our learning and the children will write a diary entry and magazine article inspired by Shackleton's journey. 

Our maths focus will be place value and calculation (addition & subtraction / multiplication and division)


Forest School

Forest school is every other Monday. Please see the calendar. 



Our PE slot is on a Thursday afternoon so please ensure full PE kit is in school. Children should come in their uniform and will  get changed into their PE slot before the session. If your child could have trainers in school each day then we can get outside where possible for Golden Mile. 


Come and See us/ Get in touch

If at any point throughout the year you have anything you wish to speak to me about, please do not hesitate to come and see me or get in touch either via email (kcarr@smallwood.cheshire.sch.uk) or class dojo.


We are very excited for another wonderful term!

 Mrs Carr and Mrs Clarke



Files to Download

Hazel - Year 6: Calendar items

Ash PE, by Miss Plant

Hazel Forest School, by Mr Lewis

Ash PE, by Miss Plant

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