Why you teach it - your purpose of study

By having a high-quality PE curriculum, this will inspire all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for all pupils to become physically confident in themselves, which would support their own personal health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness, respect, teamwork, leadership and sportsmanship.


The national curriculum for PE intends to ensure that all pupils:

·         Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.

·         Are physically active for sustained periods of time.

·         Engage in competitive sports and activities.

·         Lead healthy, active lives.




What you teach - your programme(s) of study

Here at Smallwood, our intention is to develop a lifelong love of physical activity, sport and PE in all young people. We aim to help ensure a positive and healthy physical and mental outlook in the future and help young people to develop essential skills like leadership and teamwork. Within each lesson, we strive to give every child the opportunity to develop skills in PE, consider the impact on their health and fitness, compete/perform and evaluate. These elements are always clearly identified both in lesson plans and on progression maps. All lessons are carefully differentiated which helps to ensure that learning is as tailored and inclusive as possible.

We are continuing to incorporate the three pillars into our PE curriculum. In EYFS and Key stage one the children need to develop their motor competence and this is key for the children to be able to access physical activity. Children will begin to develop their fine and gross motor skills which are fundamental in children participating in physical activity. We offer a curriculum that challenged children in a simple yet structured way through our structured PE lessons. When the children have developed their motor competence, they move into applying these fundamental movements into game situations therefore using skills and tactics. This begins in Key stage one where they have a focus of skill acquisition and applying those fundamental movements into small game situations. Overall, we aim to instill the love of PE within every lesson which eventually would lead them to living a healthy, active lifestyle. This is promoted through the use of questioning of how our bodies are affected after participating in physical activity. Pupils are beginning to understand how to enhance their current and later healthy participation which is reinforced through our PSHE curriculum.



How you teach it - your delivery of the above


With the support of in-depth medium-term plans and the long-term overviews, here at Smallwood we are to ensure that all teachers are equipped with the secure knowledge, technical vocabulary and skills required to meet the aims of the PE national curriculum. Lessons are thoroughly planned alongside subject-specific progression maps to ensure that children are given the opportunity to practice existing skills and also build on these to develop new or more advanced skills. Within our long term overview, we have taken the approach of including skill acquisition and skill application in key stage one as the children need to acquire a skill in an area of the curriculum before applying this to a game like situation. When the children reach key stage two these skills will progress further into game specific situations. Assessment will be carried out at the end of each unit through a specific tracking system which coincides with the aims and objectives that need to be met from the national curriculum. Here at Smallwood, we also complete the daily mile when the children arrive at school in the morning plus additional golden mile sessions in the afternoon.  



So what - your evaluations of the above

By having high quality schemes of work ensure that the children have a varied yet structured PE curriculum. Therefore, providing an opportunity for progression across the full breadth of the PE National curriculum for KS1 and KS2 for both indoor and outdoor PE. Each lesson has been carefully planned to match these. Our indoor units of PE, such as dance, are often themed with cross-curricular links with other subjects, for example WW2 and Benin Kingdom. By planning our dance units this way helps to make the learning memorable, allowing links to be made and ultimately creating a higher level of engagement and understanding. In EYFS, pupils will work on their physical development and to explore gross and fine motor skills which will be developed through sensory exploration, focusing on strength, co-ordination and positional awareness. In KS1, the focus of the PE curriculum is on the development of fundamental movements and skills that will be built upon in KS2 when they apply these to a range of specific sports.


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