Special Education Needs

Mrs Julia Priest - SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator)

I am the Special Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCO) and Ash Class teacher. 

As conveyed in our Mission Statement, all children’s efforts and achievements are celebrated and we encourage children to see themselves as clever and confident. Accordingly, we recognise and provide for a range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities by identifying and addressing them at the earliest opportunity. We actively involve parents and any external support agencies necessary in order to meet children’s needs. Parents who have any concerns about their child’s needs are encouraged to contact the class teacher.

Whilst a great deal of additional support for children goes on in the classroom, through quality first teaching, sometimes children will need a 'catch up' intervention. We have a number of staff in school highly trained in various evidence based interventions. Some are done in groups,  some are done on a 1:1 and the aim is to accelerate childrens learning in order for them to 'catch up' with their peers.

Cheshire East's Live Well page contains more information for parents and carers.

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