Oak - Year 3 2023 - 2024

Mrs Lwin

Welcome to Oak Class 

Class Teacher Mrs Lwin : dlwin@smallwood.cheshire.sch.uk 




Welcome Oak Class to the Summer term 2. Our topic for this half term is Ancient Egypt. We will be exploring this through our vehicle text Egyptology. We will be writing a mystery narrative.  

In Maths we will be studying Fractions, Money and Time.

In History we will be delving much closer at Ancient Egyptiansand seeing what happened during this civilisation. 

For our science topic we will be looking at magnetism. 

P.E will be every Monday. Please make sure that your child has the correct PE kit in school. 

We will also be having our swimming session this half term, every Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure you child has their swim kit. 

Forest School will be every other Thursday. Please come in your Forest school clothes and make sure you have suitable waterproofs, wellies or walking boots.  


Please find attached our homework grid for Summer 1. 


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Oak - Year 3: Calendar items

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