School Times


08.40 - Gates open

08.55 -  Register Taken

10.30-10.45 - EYFS and Key Stage 1 playtime

10.45 - 11.00 - Key Stage 2 playtime

12.00 - 12.45 - EYFS and Key Stage 1 lunchtime

12.15 - 13.00 - Key Stage 2 lunchtime

13.10 - Daily Worship (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday whole school, Tuesday Class Worship)

15.15 - School day ends


The gates are opened at 8.40am and the school day officially start at 8.55am.

The register is taken at 8.55am and, any children arriving after this has been taken (but before 9.15am), will be registered as Late (L code). After 9.15am, children will be registered as a U (Late after register have closed).

The gate will be closed at 8.55am and any children arriving after this time will need to be brought in through the front door and signed in, on our system, by the adult dropping off – this will be compulsory


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