Ash - Year 1 2024 - 2025
Miss Plant
Welcome to Ash Class
Wlecome back from the summer break!
This half term we will be exploring the topic 'Changes in Living Memory' and we will be exploring this through English, History, Art and Science. Our class text for English will be 'Major Glad. Major Dizzy'. This story will compare things which are old and new, the children will have the chance to focus on old and new toys which will link nicely with our Science unit of 'Materials'.
In History we will have a focus on changes to toys, book, games and food within living memory.
In Art the children will be foussing on developing their drawing and painting skills and looking at famous artists such as Van Gogh, Paul Klee, Andy Warhol.
Our Forest School sessions will be every other Tuesday starting on the 17th September, the children must ensure they come to school in the appropriate clothing.
PE will be a Monday afternoon so they must ensure they have their PE kit in school which is labelled.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me, my email is: