Elm - Year 2 2023 - 2024

Mrs Heath

Welcome to Elm Class

Our book this half term is called 'Tidy.' Pete the badger likes everything to be neat and tidy at all times, but what starts as the collecting of one fallen leaf escalates and ends with the complete destruction of the forest! Will Pete realise the error of his ways and set things right? The children will be using this book as a stimulus to write a retell of the story.


In Maths we will be focusing on fractions, time and statistics.

Our topic this half term is 'Asia - India and China' We will be exploring the continent of Asia, particularly focusing on India and China. We will be comparing both India and China with England and learning all about the cultures and traidtions. We will also be doing some food tasting and creating some Rangoli inspired art work
. In Science, Elm will be getting stuck in - planting and investigating different seeds and bulbs, whilst learning all about Plants. In RE we will be unpicking what it means to have a sense of 'belonging.' We will also be spending sometime learning about baptism and how new life is celebrated in other religions. 

We have a very busy, very exciting final term to the school year. We have lots of dates already in the diary such as the crowing of the Rose Queen, Sports Day, the book fair, Family Picnic and transition days. 

Forest School

Forest school is every other Thursday, led by Mrs Darlington. Children should come into school in their forest school clothes and have appropriate footwear with them. Elm's first Forest School session this half term will be Thursday 6th June.



Year 2 will have PE every Friday of week 1 and every Thursday and Friday of week 2. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit and that it is in school all week. This term, ASM will lead Elm's Friday PE session.


If you have any questions please get in touch: lheath@smallwood.cheshire.sch.uk

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Elm - Year 2: Calendar items

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