"Let Your Light Shine"
A welcome from our Headteacher, Mr Iestyn Lewis.
May I extend a very warm welcome to you to Smallwood CE Primary Academy. Here at Smallwood, we pride ourselves on being a team, a family.
We have a passionate drive to provide the best education for all children and believe that challenging children and providing opportunities and experiences in a rich learning environment motivates and encourages high quality learning. We believe that developing an exciting learning community where all stakeholders are welcomed, involved and valued is fundamental. Smallwood instils the love of learning into all who enter its doors; with God, Church and Faith at the centre of its values. Our faith and beliefs permeate eveything that we do at Smallwood and is evident in how we interact with each other, how we behave and our overarching philosophy.
In a world that is changing so rapidly, our role as educators becomes both more challenging and more important. If we are to equip our children for the 21st century we must give them the communication, thinking and creative skills to be adaptive and enquiring learners. We must personalise the learning environment, teach children how to think and learn creatively and enable children to explore the options that the world offers and find where they can achieve and enjoy future success.
Mr Lewis