E-Mail Guidelines

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the positive relationships we have with our parents and carers. It's so important that we have open and honest communication so that we can ensure the best possible learning opportunities for our children and secure their happiness and wellbeing

Polite Guidelines Regarding Parental E-mail Communication with Class Teachers

These simple guidelines are offered in a spirit of partnership and respect.  We believe that if everyone is kind enough to follow them the strong, positive relationships we enjoy will continue.

The perspective of the class teacher

They are very happy to respond to parents who send occasional e-mails to them communicating a query, important information, or a lower level concern.

Class teachers are busy: their job is an intense one and they work long hours.  Their priority focus is educating children and they only have a small amount of time available to read and respond to e-mails.

Please do:

  • use e-mail to communicate information about children's learning, homework and if you would like to arrange to meet to discuss any issues that may have arisen. The sooner this is done, the better. 
  • keep your e-mails succinct and to the point: less than 8 lines is appreciated
  • understand that if an e-mail is sent in the morning or within the working day, teachers may not have time to open it until the end of the school day, or even later if they are involved in a meeting.

Please don't:

  • expect e-mails to be read and responded to by class teachers at the weekend or after 5.30pm.  They are not at work at that time.
  • e-mail class teachers to relay infomation about your child's absence; trip details; school clubs; lost clothing; parent consultation meeting scheduling or other administrative matters.  This administrative information should be communicated directly to the school office.
  • send long, highly detailed e-mails relating to a concern - simply send an e-mail requesting a face-to-face meeting.
  • send highly emotive e-mails (containing words in bold; in capitals; with multiple exclamation marks) or e-mails that contain sarcasm.  If you feel strongly about something (and you may have a good reason for doing so) a politely constructed face-to-face meeting is required.

Please know that if a class teacher has any concern about an e-mail they have received that fails to follow this polite protocol they will not respond, but instead forward the e-mail to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher who will make a decision regarding what course of action to follow.


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