Maple - Year 4 2023 - 2024

Mrs Molyneux



Welcome to Maple!

Year 4






This half term our topic is Rainforests.  We will be exploring this in humantities, DT and english through our text, 'The Greak Kapok Tree' by Lynne Cherry.  We will also be sharing, 'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell.

In geography sessions, we will be learning about the locations of the rainforests in the world, the different animals and plants which inhabit them and the structure of the rainforest.  We will explore the threats to the rainforest and how deforestation affects the planet.

In DT lessons, we will be designing and sewing textile tree frogs alongside learning about these creatures.   We will be learning about Classification in our Science lessons.  

This term, our RE unit is exploring the theme of 'Charity' and its place in different belief systems. 

Forest School is every other Wednesday starting on 17th March.  Please come in your forest school clothes.  Make sure you have waterproofs and wellies or walking boots.

This term, PE will be swimming lessons on a Tuesday.   We will be having a PE lesson every other Wednesday.  Please make sure you have your PE kit in school. 


We are using Class Dojo for our positive praise.  Here is the class link  

any questions.jpeg

If you have anything you wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact me at  

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Maple - Year 4: Calendar items

May Bank Holiday, by Mr Lewis

Maple Swimming, by Mr Lewis

Beech PE, by Miss Plant

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